How to Successfully Upload an App to App Store

How To Submit An App To The App Shop

This mail has recently been updated and tin can be found here: How to Submit an App to the App Store [Updated]

App submission is ofttimes an reconsideration. Merely ensuring yous submit your app to the App Store properly (a service included in our end-to-end development) is an important first pace to ensure exposure and entice users to download.

That's why we fabricated this pace-past-step guide to App Store submission. This guide contains all the steps required to properly submit an iOS app to the App Shop.

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  1. Project that is ready for submission and passes Apple'due south App Store Guidelines
  2. Valid Apple developer plan account (not the Apple Programmer Enterprise Program)
  3. Reckoner that runs Mac OS X
  4. The following programs installed:
    1. Xcode
    2. Keychain Access

Footstep Overview

Below you volition notice a list of guides, each describing how to do one of the steps required for submitting an app.

  1. Assemble App Store Data
  2. Create a Bundle Identifier
  3. Create a Certificate Signing Asking
  4. Create an App Shop Production Certificate
  5. Create a Production Provisioning Profile
  6. Create an App Shop List
  7. Create a Release Build
  8. Fill in the Version Data
  9. Submit Version for Review
  10. Release

1. Assemble App Information

It is very important to collect all of the information you demand to submit earlier you start the process.  More Information Here.

Requirements Notes
Screenshots You lot need at least ane for every supported device screen size.  The screenshots cannot incorporate transparency
Name Name of the app every bit seen past users
Description A description of your app, detailing features and functionality
Keywords Separate keywords with a comma
Support URL A URL with support information for your app
Marketing URL A URL with marketing data about your app, optional
Privacy Policy URL A URL containing your app's privacy policy, optional
App Icon This icon will be used on the App Store and must be in the JPG or PNG format, with a minimum resolution of at least 72 DPI, and in the RGB color space. It must non contain layers or rounded corners.
Categories Secondary category is optional
Rating Generate your rating based on the questionnaire  More Information Hither
Copyright Use the format: YYYY Visitor Proper noun
Trade Representative Contact Information Just appears on the Korean App Shop, optional
Demo Business relationship "The username and password for a full-access account for your app. Include details for additional accounts in the Notes field."

ii. Create a Parcel Identifier

The package identifier is the proper noun of your app, as seen past both the App Store and iOS devices.

  1. In your browser, navigate to Apple'southward Programmer Portal
  2. Log in
  3. Click Identifiers
  4. Click the "+" in the acme right of the screen
  5. Name the App ID the same as your app
  6. Make sure the Packet ID follows the standard naming convention: com.yourcompanyname.yourappname
  7. Cheque any App Services the app needs, click Go on
  8. Verify the services are correct, then click Submit

3. Create a Certificate Signing Request

Certificate Signing Requests are used to link your computer to your Apple developer account.

  1. Open a program called KeyChain Access
  2. In the top left card, click Certificate Assistant
  3. Click Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority…
    User email: Enter your email address
    Mutual Name: We recommend using the name of the app
    CA electronic mail is non really required
  4. Check Saved to Deejay, click Go on
  5. Save the Certificate Signing Request for afterwards

4. Create an App Store Product Certificate

Code Signing Certificates are used to link iOS apps to your Apple programmer account.

  1. In your browser, navigate to Apple tree'southward Developer Portal
  2. Click Certificates
  3. Click the "+" in the top right of the screen
  4. Click the App Store Production
    Currently named "App Store and Ad Hoc" under Production
  5. Click Keep
  6. Upload the Certificate Signing Request created earlier
  7. Download the Certificate
  8. Install the certificate on your calculator past double-clicking
  9. Continue this file somewhere safety

5. Create a Production Provisioning Profile

Provisioning Profiles are packaged with iOS apps so user's devices can install them.

  1. In your browser, navigate to Apple's Programmer Portal
  2. Log in
  3. Click Provisioning Profiles
  4. Click the "+" in the top correct of the screen
  5. Click the App Store Distribution option, click Continue
  6. Select the Parcel ID created earlier, click Continue
  7. Select the Certificate created earlier, click Go on
  8. Make sure the Profile Name follows the standard naming convention: App Name App Store Distribution
  9. Click Generate
  10. Download information technology
  11. Install the provision profile on your computer past double-clicking
  12. Go on this file somewhere safe

half-dozen. Create App Store List

Reserve a slot in the App Store for your app for users to see.

  1. Start in your browser, navigate to iTunes Connect
  2. Log in
  3. Click My Apps
  4. Click the "+" in the top left of the screen
  5. Click "New iOS App"
  6. Bundle ID: cull the one created on Developer Portal
  7. For convenience, make the SKU friction match the Bundle ID created earlier
  8. Click Create to create the commencement version listing

7. Make the release build

Package the actual binary that users will be uploading to the shop.

  1. Start Xcode
  2. Open the projection or workspace
  3. Update the version and build numbers
  4. Open up Build Settings
  5. Brand sure All settings is selected
  6. Scroll to Code Signing
  7. Apply the provisioning profile created earlier
  8. Use the code signing identity created earlier
  9. In the top menu, select Generic iOS Device as the build destination if no actual device is continued
  10. Menu, Project, Archive
  11. Click Distribute
  12. Sign in equally your apple developer account
  13. Submit to app store
  14. Wait for the confirmation

8. Fill In Version Information

Users will decide whether or not to install your app based on your store listing.

  1. Enter all of the data assembled in stride one
  2. Select the build you lot wish to tie to the version (Note: This normally appears 10-fifteen minutes after sending from Xcode)
  3. Fill in pricing information
  4. Click Save
  5. Fit any errors based on the messages that appear and salve changes

9. Submit Version for Review

Every app that is submitted to the store has to be reviewed past the Apple team earlier release.

  1. Select the release type
    Manual release – after the app is accepted, a Release button will appear
    Automatic release – as before long equally the app is accepted, it will be released
  2. Wait for approval
    This process usually takes ii-3 weeks for a new submission
  3. If your app was non approved, review the notes in the Resolution Centre and make any necessary changes to the app or version information then resubmit

ten. Release

Enjoy the last, most satisfying step.

  1. If yous selected Transmission release, click Release your app when ready
  2. Expect for the green "Set for Sale" version status (This might take from ane hour to 1 day later release)
  3. Search for your app on the App Shop
  4. Celebrate!

When submitting a new version of your app, you volition only take to repeat steps vii through 10.

Suggested Reading: How To Submit Your App To The Google Play Store

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