2 Bachelor of Arts Degreea Versus a Double Major


Got a passion for more than than one discipline? Then yous might be interested in studying two fields simultaneously with either a double major or dual degree. What is the main deviation betwixt a double major and a dual degree? And how tin you figure out which pick will be a better fit for you lot?

In this dual degree vs double major guide, we go over the fundamental divergence between the two bookish paths, define each pick in detail, and take a wait at the most important similarities and differences betwixt the two. We too offer y'all some tips to help you determine whether a double major or dual degree will work amend for you based on your preferences and goals.

The Basic Deviation Between Double Major and Dual Caste

The key difference between a double major and a dual degree lies in what you receive when you graduate from college. With a double major, yous're earning just one bachelor'southward caste (i.e., one diploma) with specializations in two fields.

However, with a dual caste, you lot're earning 2 dissever degrees/diplomas (which could be two bachelor'south degrees, a bachelor'southward and a primary'south, etc.) in ii distinct fields.

Typically, a double major means yous'll be studying two fields that are based in the same school and that'll earn you the same type of degree, such equally a Bachelor of Arts (BA), a Bachelor of Science (BS), or a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA).

Past contrast, a dual caste usually means yous'll exist studying two unique fields that are based in two different schools and that'll earn you two different types of degrees (east.chiliad., a BS and a BFA).

In my case, I double majored in English and East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC) at USC. This means I earned just one college caste: a Bachelor of Arts with concentrations in English and EALC. Because classes for the English and EALC majors were both housed in the College of Messages, Arts, and Sciences (and both majors led to a BA), I was able to report the two fields under the same degree.

That said, if I'd wanted to study a much more than unlike combination of fields, such as English language and architecture (which are housed in ii different schools at USC), I'd needed to have studied the fields as ii separate degrees, which would have earned me a BA in English and a Bachelor of Compages.

Now that you understand this basic difference, let'due south take a look at the main qualities that define a dual caste and a double major.

body_graduation-6 With a dual degree, you'll get two diplomas when yous graduate from higher.

What Is a Dual Degree?

A dual degree (also chosen a double degree) is when a student studies two different fields at the same time in society to earn two separate degrees. Depending on the academy, this could be a wide combination of degrees, such as 2 types of bachelor'due south degrees, a bachelor's and a main'due south, or two main's/professional degrees. Each caste corresponds to one of the fields in which you're specializing.

For instance, at the Academy of Michigan, undergraduate students can pursue a dual degree past earning a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at the Ross School of Business and a BA, BS, BFA, etc., at another school within UM.

Universities that offer dual degree programs often require students to utilize and become accepted to the two schools at which the fields are housed. Because a dual degree requires students to simultaneously complete the requirements for two unlike degrees, it typically takes more time (more than than four years or four years plus summer classes) than a regular undergraduate program does.

As with any degree, you must complete all basic requirements (including general instruction courses and major courses) for both degrees in guild to earn them. Columbia'due south BA/MPA dual degree plan, for case, takes a full of five years to complete—but past the end of this, you'll be rewarded with both a bachelor's caste and a master's degree.

This extra fourth dimension required for a dual degree naturally means that students who are pursuing i will likely have to pay more in tuition, housing, etc. Yet, yous'll relieve money (and fourth dimension!) doing a dual degree than if you had pursued the two degrees separately or at different times.

body_college_library A double major allows you lot to study two fields and go just ane degree.

What Is a Double Major?

You've probably met or heard of college students doing a double major. With a double major, you earn a single degree with concentrations in two fields. These fields are typically housed in the same school or college inside a academy and earn you the same type of degree (eastward.g., a BA, a BFA, a BS, etc.).

If you want to pursue two majors in 2 highly different fields or at two different schools in your university, you'll likely have to instead apply for a dual degree program.

At some universities, you lot can apply the same courses to both of your majors, which can save you time and money. Just this policy varies. At Stanford, you lot can't have any overlapping classes for your two majors. Meanwhile, at UC Berkeley, you may have up to two upper-sectionalisation credits count toward both of your majors.

Many students do not declare a double major until at least halfway through their college career. (I myself didn't declare my 2d major until the end of my sophomore year.) Still, you can declare a double major before if you know what y'all want to report, or possibly afterward, so long as y'all'll accept enough time to get all the credits you need by the time you lot intend to graduate.

Furthermore, double majors can typically be completed within the regular iv-twelvemonth bridge (every bit most undergraduate degrees are). This means that double majors won't commonly accept to spend any more money or time on their degree than a single major would.

Finally, it'due south worth noting that some students are able to triple major—pregnant they get to written report three fields at the aforementioned fourth dimension and still earn just ane caste!

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Dual Caste vs Double Major: 3 Key Similarities

So far, nosotros've given yous the basic difference between a dual degree and a double major as well equally in-depth definitions of both academic paths. Now, we'll take a look at some of the key similarities between the ii.

#1: Y'all Get to Study 2 Fields at Once

Both a dual caste and a double major let students to report more than one academic field at the same time. Every bit a effect, you'll get the reward of beingness able to broaden your horizons and expand your knowledge in different bailiwick areas. This can atomic number 82 to more than effective analytical skills, likewise, which can exist applied to careers and other professional endeavors.

According to one study, double majors tend to be more dynamic, creative thinkers than unmarried majors, indicating that there are many intellectual advantages to studying two fields at one time.

Getting a double major or dual degree tin can also prevent y'all from feeling express or constricted to a single academic discipline. For example, if yous beloved learning Spanish simply aren't sure whether a linguistic communication major alone will help you get a job after college, you could combine it—via either a dual degree or double major—with some other field that'southward more job-oriented and that offers you the opportunity to learn a different skill set.

body_arrows_choosing_direction More fields of report = more career options!

#2: Studying Two Fields Tin Diversify Your Career Prospects

Maybe the biggest do good of studying two fields, either as a double major or dual degree, is that you're acquiring two individual sets of skills and noesis. This intellectual diversity tin have a positive effect on your future career prospects. Basically, your experience with studying 2 bookish disciplines will allow you lot to explore a bigger array of possible careers.

For example, say you did a dual caste program in which you earned a BFA in Pianoforte Performance and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). With these two fields under your belt, y'all could enter a career related to music or business (or a career combining both!). Since y'all accept many of the fundamental skills required (or preferred) for a job in either of these two fields, we could say your dual degree has, in fact, diversified your career possibilities.

The aforementioned can be said for a double major. Say you double majored in chemistry and English. With these majors, you lot'll larn plenty of useful skills, from disquisitional thinking to observation and assay, that you can utilize to several occupations. For case, you could be a professional writer or work with a company that sells scientific equipment. Yous could even combine your majors in a more specialized career; for instance, you could get an editor of a science journal.

Overall, both a dual degree and double major allow you to not simply learn about two fields merely as well gain a set of broader skills that tin can be practical to far more than careers than had you but studied 1 field.

#3: You Might Exist Able to Apply a Class Toward Both Majors/Degrees

Though this varies a lot depending on the academy, with some double majors and dual caste programs, you can apply some of the classes you take for one major/caste to your other major/degree.

Yet, note that virtually universities that allow this overlap between credits accept a limit on how many credits/classes you can apply to both majors/degrees.

For example, dual degree students in the College of Engineering science at the Academy of Michigan may request to have a class for one degree "double-count" toward their other degree by submitting a Dual Degree Grade Election Course.

At Northwestern, double majors tin double-count a limited number of courses toward both their majors if they're majoring in an interdisciplinary field, such as Asian Studies or Neuroscience.

Double Major vs Dual Caste: 2 Major Differences

We know that a dual caste gets you 2 separate degrees, whereas a double major gets you just i degree with ii concentrations. But what are some other major differences between the two?

body_graph_increasing Unfortunately, knowledge isn't the but thing to rise when you opt for a dual degree.

#1: Dual Degrees Accept Longer and Toll More Money

Since y'all're earning 2 degrees, each with its own unique bookish requirements, a dual degree program requires more than coursework than a double major does. This means you'll generally be in school longer—frequently five or more years depending on the program and types of degrees you're getting.

By contrast, with a double major, you can usually cease college within the regular four-yr time frame (though some people might take longer, especially if they didn't declare their 2d major until very belatedly into their college career).

At Indiana Academy of Pennsylvania, for example, you must earn 120 credits for a double major and 150 credits for a dual degree. Due to this extra time spent in school, a dual degree typically costs more than money overall than a double major does You'll demand to pay more for tuition since yous're taking more credits in total; you'll also need to pay more for things like housing, textbooks, and meals since you'll exist staying in schoolhouse longer.

#ii: Dual Degrees Usually Require Admission to Two Schools

Considering a dual degree ways you'll exist pursuing 2 degrees from two different schools, you'll unremarkably demand to utilize to (and get accustomed to) both schools.

Past when you must apply to each school depends on the academy. At Boston University, you lot must complete one full semester before you can apply to the dual degree program, and you tin't utilize whatever later on than the showtime semester of your junior year.

At Columbia, applicants to the Law School may utilise for a dual degree either when they initially apply for admission to the Constabulary School (in other words, earlier they commencement higher) or when they're already enrolled at the Police force Schoolhouse.

Double majors are different, though. Since most students who double major report fields housed in the aforementioned school, they won't need to apply for admission to a separate schoolhouse.

In general, the process for declaring a double major is a lot simpler than that for entering a dual degree program. For a double major, all y'all typically need to practise is consult your counselor to effigy out how many credits you lot need, which classes you'll accept, and whether you'll have enough fourth dimension in your schedule to pursue both majors without issue.

Double Major vs Double Caste: Which One Should You Exercise?

If you're reading this article, you lot're likely considering studying more than than one field in college. Only which is better for you: a double major or a dual caste?

Beneath is a quiz y'all tin utilize to help y'all effigy out which programme might be a better fit for you. For each statement, put a check for either "Agree" or "Disagree." At the stop, tally up your number of agrees and disagrees to find out whether a double major or dual degree is improve suited for y'all.




I hope to graduate within four years.

The 2 fields I'm interested in studying are (at least somewhat) related to each other.

Coin is or might be a major business organisation for me.

I dislike long, complicated application processes.

I get easily stressed with having to balance lots of schoolwork.

I'one thousand unsure what I desire to report in college.

Generally Agrees—A Double Major Should Piece of work Well for Y'all!

If you got more agrees than disagrees, and then a double major volition likely work ameliorate for you than a dual caste will. Yous'd adopt to avert spending whatsoever more coin or time than you need to in gild to get your college degree.

Yous also want to study two fields that are at least slightly relevant to each other and whose majors don't crave a long application procedure or a lot more than credits.

Mostly Disagrees—A Dual Degree Is the Claiming You're Seeking!

If you lot got more disagrees than agrees, a dual degree sounds like the perfect intellectual claiming for you lot. You have a clear idea of the two (likely very different) fields y'all want to study and don't listen spending more fourth dimension and money getting your degrees. You're also OK with having to remainder a heavier-than-normal workload.

Equal Number of Agrees and Disagrees—Y'all Could Do Either!

If you lot got an equal number of agrees and disagrees, either a double major or a dual degree could piece of work well for you. You lot're probably not a huge fan of spending a lot more than time and money than you need to, but you're also very interested in studying the two fields you actually want to learn about, regardless of the challenges they might pose.


Dual Caste vs Double Major: Central Takeaways

Both a double major and a dual degree involve the study of ii bookish fields. All the same, there'south a big divergence between the two academic paths: a double major means you'll get one caste with two concentrations, whereas a dual degree ways yous'll become two separate degrees (i.e., ii diplomas), one for each area of specialization.

Typically, double majors involve the study of two related fields of study whose majors are housed in the same school or college at a university. This means you lot'll graduate with i type of degree, such as a BA or BS, with 2 concentrations.

Students usually have until at least the first of their junior year to declare a double major. Most double majors are able to graduate within the typical four-year time frame and therefore won't demand to spend more money on credits/tuition than a single major would.

By contrast, a dual caste more often than not means you'll exist studying two highly dissimilar fields whose majors belong to two different schools. Every bit a result, you'll usually have to apply to both schools separately (and of course get accepted to both!).

Dual degrees also require more credit hours than single degrees and double majors, since you need to complete the requirements for 2 dissever degrees.

The best way to figure out whether a double major or a dual degree is right for you is to take our quiz higher up. To reiterate, here are the primary questions to ask yourself before you make your choice:

  • What academic fields exercise yous desire to report in college (and how sure are you of your choices)?
  • How much coursework are yous willing to handle at 1 time?
  • Are you OK with having to spend more time and money on your degree(southward)?

Being able to respond these questions should give you a clear idea as to which academic path—a double major or a dual degree—is ultimately the best one for you to take!

What's Side by side?

What about if you want to get a teacher—do you need a dual degree, an educational activity major, or just certification? Learn more about whether or not you need a pedagogy caste here. We likewise take complete guides for how to become a teacher and whether or not you should get an early babyhood education degree.

Withal got questions about dual degrees or double majors? And so feel free to accept a look at our in-depth guides to what a dual degree is and what a double major is to acquire more about what to expect if you're pursuing one.

What's the procedure for double majoring? Get the rundown in our guide on how to double major in college! If y'all're thinking near adding a second major but aren't sure if you tin handle the workload, yous should likewise cheque out our guide to low-key college majors.

Struggling to effigy out what you want to study in college? Take no fear—our guide will help you choose the best major for you, one footstep at a time.

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About the Author

Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's caste from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Nihon via the JET Program. She is passionate most pedagogy, writing, and travel.


Source: https://blog.prepscholar.com/dual-degree-vs-double-major

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