How Many Google Reviews to Get Stars 2017

Information technology'south official: review signals are condign fifty-fifty more of import to local SEO rankings. We know Google values trustworthy businesses, and frequent and positive reviews are 1 mode to assess who comes out on tiptop.

And while plenty of other review sites exist, Google reviews' visibility in search results is helping make Google the fastest-growing reviews platform.

We wanted to find out how local businesses are using Google My Business reviews, and provide you with the statistics to help yous benchmark your business organisation against others in your manufacture.
For this report, nosotros anonymously explored the Google reviews profiles of more than 93,000 local businesses across 26 different industries in order to uncover:

If y'all'd similar to find out more near this report, y'all tin can find the methodology here. And, if you lot had whatever thoughts or queries, let us know in the comments below.

Google Reviews Report: All Industries

We collated information across 26 industries to tell the overall story of local businesses' use of Google business organisation reviews, looking into:

  • The proportion of businesses with Google Reviews
  • The average number of reviews
  • The number of reviews for each local ranking position
  • The boilerplate Google Reviews star rating
  • The average star rating for each local ranking position
  • The makeup of star ratings in each ranking position

Proportion of Businesses with Google My Business organisation Reviews by Manufacture

Proportion of Businesses With Google My Business Reviews By Industry

Key Findings

  • Bars, restaurants, and hotels are the industries that are near likely to have Google Reviews
  • On average, 74% of local businesses have at least one Google Review
  • Accountants are the least likely industry to have reviews on Google

Businesses in the hospitality industry are the nigh likely to exist making employ of Google Reviews. Could consumers in these industries be more used to leaving reviews for these types of businesses, or could these industries exist more on pinnacle of asking for reviews?

Local stores are also highly likely to have reviews on Google, and with Google beacons becoming more commonplace, stores could run into a rising average in the most future.

Maybe unsurprisingly, some of the less frequented industries are slower to gain Google Reviews. Consumers rarely take the need to use a local finance business compared to how often they're likely to go to a bar or restaurant, which leaves more than telescopic for online reviews for the latter business concern types.

The Average Number of Google Reviews past Manufacture

The Average Number of Google Reviews By Industry
The above chart shows the average number of Google My Business reviews for each industry, including businesses that do not have whatever reviews.

Local businesses have an average of 39 Google reviews, but, in that location is a significant disparity between industries.

Our 2018 Local Consumer Review Survey finds that the average consumer expects a concern to take 40 reviews before trusting its star rating. Those industries with higher review numbers are likely to be benefiting from their Google reviews prowess—setting expectations for all other industries to friction match these numbers.

At that place tend to exist more hotels, restaurants, and bars to choose from than some other industries, so perhaps it's no wonder that these industries have more reviews when appearing in the top x. Only, as you'll see below, the industries with the most reviews don't necessarily accept the highest overall star ratings.

What is a Google Star Rating?

The Google rating of business organization pages is ranked between ane and five stars. This is determined past the number of positive reviews left by previous customers. A one-star review would indicate poor service, whereas five stars would demonstrate excellence.

Industries with the Most Google My Business Reviews

  1. Hotels and B&Bs
  2. Restaurants and cafés
  3. Bars and pubs
  4. Local stores
  5. Car dealerships

Industries with the Fewest Google Reviews

  1. Accountants and finance businesses
  2. Landscaping and gardening businesses
  3. Senior living services
  4. Marketing and PR services
  5. Construction and roofing businesses

The Average Number of Google Reviews by Local Ranking Position

The Average Number of Google Reviews By Local Ranking Groups
The to a higher place nautical chart shows the boilerplate number of Google business reviews for each grouped local ranking position, including businesses that do not have any reviews.

Fundamental Findings

  • Local businesses who rank in the acme 3 positions in Google Local have an boilerplate of 47 Google Reviews
  • Businesses in positions 7-10 have an average of 38 reviews (9 fewer than those taking the top spots)

There is a clear correlation shown here between higher local rankings and the number of Google reviews a business organisation has. Nonetheless, businesses with Google Reviews are more probable to be on height of their local SEO game, and so it's not enough to simply say that Google reviews solitary cause high rankings.

In our recent Local Services Ads Click Study, we found that 23% of SERP clicks were influenced by visible review numbers and ratings—the bulk of which come direct from Google My Business organization reviews. Reaching the top spots on search results ways more clicks, and if this means prioritizing gathering Google reviews, so exist it!

The Average Google Star Rating by Manufacture

The Average Google Star Rating By Industry
The above chart shows the average Google star rating for businesses in each industry, only including businesses with at least i review.

Central Findings

  • Photographers, culling therapy businesses, and marketing services have the highest average star ratings
  • Overall, local businesses have an average of 4.42 stars on Google My Business
  • Senior living services, car dealerships, and hotels have the lowest average star ratings

It's a positive story for Google reviews, with every industry seeing an average star rating of over 4 stars.

While there are of course businesses with low star ratings (more on this below), on the whole it seems that businesses are far more likely to accept a positive rating than a negative one.

And that's great to run across, since our 2019 Local Consumer Review Survey found that only 53% of consumers would consider using a concern with less than 4 stars. With Google reviews being and then prominent in SERPs (and the local pack and Local Services Ads in particular), these are probable to be strongly influencing buy decisions, even for those who would never think to check a review site directly.

Despite their high boilerplate number of reviews, car dealerships are amid the industries with the everyman average star ratings.

Hotels and B&Bs are also notable: they take a loftier number of reviews on average, just a comparatively low star rating. Some industries similar these tend to attract those with more extreme opinions, significant that customers leave reviews because they are very incredibly pleased or incredibly dissatisfied with the service (with petty grey surface area in between). Customers of other industries such as stores, accountants, or cleaning services may feel less inspired to leave feedback.

To find out more nearly the different industry trends, explore the interactive graphic above.

The Average Google Star Rating by Local Ranking Position

The Average Google Star Rating By Local Ranking Position
The above chart shows the average Google star rating for each grouped local ranking position, simply including businesses with at to the lowest degree one review.

The average star rating of local businesses in the top 10 is very similar across groupings.

Businesses that occupy positions 1 to iii in Google local rankings have an average of 4.47 stars. Businesses in positions iv-6 take 4.half dozen stars on boilerplate, with those at the terminate of the top ten having an average of 4.45 stars.

While these are just small differences, these could be the deviation that could tip the balance for businesses wanting to bear witness to a higher place competitors in search results. Our Local Services Ads Click Study found that comparatively high star ratings encouraged searchers to choose i concern over another. Every review counts!

Breakdown of Google Review Star Rating by Local Ranking Position

Breakdown of Google Star Rating By Local Ranking Groups
The higher up chart shows the proportion of businesses' boilerplate star ratings for each grouped local ranking position. The proportion of businesses without reviews is slightly different to Q1 due to some businesses appearing more than once, every bit they ranked in dissimilar positions for different keywords.

Key Findings

  • 61% of local businesses have an average star rating betwixt 4 and v stars
  • Only five% of businesses have an average star rating beneath 3 stars
  • Top-ranking businesses are more probable to accept a higher star rating than those ranking lower in the top x

Every bit discussed higher up, average star ratings on Google tend to exist high. With the vast majority of businesses achieving an boilerplate star rating between four and 5 stars, those with a much lower overall rating are probable to stand up out.

Businesses ranking in Google positions one-3 are more than likely to have a high star rating than those lower in the acme ten—with 64% of businesses with the superlative star rating taking these central positions.

Yet, interestingly, 20% of businesses taking the top 3 spots in Google Local don't have any Google My Business organisation reviews at all – further highlighting that fact that other local ranking factors remain crucial.

Those at the top are more than likely to take Google My Business reviews than their counterparts lower down the table. And when we remove the businesses without Google reviews from the data, this tendency remains. While this isn't the case in every manufacture, this design does follow in most cases.

Explore this in more than depth in the interactive graphic in a higher place, and allow u.s. know which industry trends almost interest you in the comments below!


For this written report, we explored anonymous data for 93,845 local businesses across 26 different industries.

To practise this, we identified 10,334 local keywords related to common industries and used these to place the ten tiptop ranking businesses in Google Local for each search term. Nosotros then explored these businesses' Google My Business organisation reviews profiles—including star rating and number of reviews—and reviewed these against their local ranking positions. In some cases, businesses may have appeared multiple times in the data due to ranking in multiple positions, only these have been removed for non-ranking related findings.

In line with BrightLocal's audience, the dataset is based on businesses across the globe, with the majority from the US, Canada, Australia, and the U.k..

While we did our all-time to include every bit many local industries as possible, we focused on a set of 26. If you'd like the states to consider your industry for futurity data-led reports, please get in touch and we'll see what nosotros tin can do!

For more information on this written report, or for any questions you may have almost the Google Reviews Study'southward findings, please let us know on

How many Google My Businesses reviews practise businesses in your niche accept? Exit a annotate beneath to let us know how Google reviews fit into your reputation management strategy.


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