Dungeon World: The Witch-Keep of Drakenmoor


I wanted to do something special for Halloween, only my turn at the High Adventure bat regrettably fell too late. Nonetheless, here's a bit location-based take chances chock-a-block stentorian of lyssa, murder, monsters, and mayhem. Enjoy!

In this installment of the free Keep World setting, we'atomic number 75 visiting a tiny fixer-upper in the hills overlooking scenic Drakenmoor. Boasting single bedrooms, a spacious master, and a panoramic view, this property won't get on the market long. Beware, though – this may be considered a "stigmatized" property!


Nonmoving in the foothills of the Wyrmspines, west of City of London of Drakenmoor, is the home of the King and Queen of that downtrodden city. One time known as Drakenkeep, it is now known as "Witch-Keep" by the locals. Rumor has it that a curse has descended upon the keep off, and that the King and Queen have gone mad.

No one knows unquestionable what has befallen the rulers, only IT seemed to start several months ago when the World-beater manifestly went insane and had the keep searched high and low for an interloper he claimed he had seen in the royal chambers. No intruder was found, but the King could not be quenched. He had the watch doubled, and for some unknown reason banished the Queen to the donjon's guest chambers the next morning.

Things undergo continually gotten worse since then. After it later o became known that the Pou was with child, an outcome that should have surely brought joy to the King, he instead seemed to grow even more mad. He became sullen and morose, creeping around the keep at all hours – until the night of his adventitious fall down the stairs. Now he is crippled and remains unseen, spending all of his time in the royal Sir William Chambers, and the Queen has taken over a greater hired hand in ruling the kingdom. Her rule is cold and impartial – even cruel at multiplication. Roughly claim that she has gone mad as well, while others whisper that she is possessed by an evil spirit or a demon.

Most of the keep's servants and men-at-arms let fled, and a few take in disappeared. It's from them that all but of the rumors have come, as few outsiders consume been allowed in the keep over the last few months. The few servants and soldiers World Health Organization give birth remained in the hold open are same to have changed as healthy, being to a lesser extent sociable or even downright unreconcilable to visitors.
As the arrival of the Queen's youngster approaches, the situation at the keep off only seems to worsen…

The Draw

How do the player characters turn involved with the cursed keep? Hither are a few possibilities:

  • Unscheduled to travel after nightfall, the Microcomputer's find themselves in the atypical "dark and stormy dark" scenario: forced to seek tax shelter from the elements. They are on the outskirts of Drakenmoor real, and the only right place nearby is the keep.
  • The PC's are chartered by a priest of Lisse to recover a valuable artifact belonging to the Church of Lisse from the chapel within the keep: "The Reliquary of the Shining Dodecahedron." (See "The Chapel" entree in the Anchor Coldcock section of the Map Key.)
  • The PC's are hired by a sorcerer to bargain a magic item from the go along: "The Gazing Glass of Glyrob." (See "Scrying Bedchamber" entree in the Superior Floor section of the Map out Key.)
  • If the PC's are evil (or only a really uncaring level of neutral) they whitethorn be employed by one of the King's emissaries to assassinate the Queen. (Good fortune with that!)

Ultimately, it's equal to the lame superior to decide how best to get the PC's involved with the goings-along at the keep. I'm just presenting the localization for you to enjoyment – how you use it is entirely awake to you.

Click Here to download a PDF containing a allover verbal description of the dungeon and its inhabitants, as well as a map of the Keep.

Have fun!


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/dungeon-world-the-witch-keep-of-drakenmoor/

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